Anyways we Kramnick kids headed to lecture, in which Professor Kramnick discussed John Stuart Mill, democracy, and liberalism. Mrs. Kaplan joined the interesting lecture today. Since today was Friday we knew were in for a short day, and we were all excited. After lecture we headed to our last scholastic event for the week, our sectional groups. We basically discussed how far should freedom of speech go according to Mill. Here’s a question we had to think about; imagine the Ku Klux Klan having a march in your neighborhood, saying slanderous racial remarks. But because they are just exercising their freedom of speech, and according to Mill all opinions can be a learning experience, what should happen? Let me know what you guys think.
After our interesting discussion we all headed to grab a quick bite to eat, and then met Mrs. Kaplan in the Statler lobby. We Kramnick kids visited The Museum of the Earth, in Ithaca. It was pretty interesting seeing all the fossils and dinosaurs, and it was really good just to get out the house and refresh our minds. Coming back from the museum we all went to our dorm’s lounge because it’s the only air conditioned room we have access to, it 94 degrees! Andrew played an intense card game with two ladies; I never knew a game of cards could get so serious. Early tomorrow morning we have a college tour at Colgate, so I will be going off to bed early, see you guys latter.

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