Thursday, April 29, 2010

We're almost there

Just recently, the West Contra Costa Unified School District approved the trips to several prestigious universities such as Cornell, Brown, Columbia, and Yale, as part of the Ivy League Connections Program. The Ivy League Connections program is really amazing. It allows bright, dedicated, committed, and enthusiastic students to participate in courses in some of the best universities in the country.

To thank the district for approving the trips and sealing the deal, I, along with six other soon-to-be Ivy Leaguers, had the honor of attending a City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 27, and expressing our gratidue in front of a panel of city council members. We arrived at City Hall and, after Hercules High School Principal Guy Zakrevsky and Assistant Principal Terri Ishmael spoke graciously in regard to the ILC, we were introduced to speak, with sweaty foreheads and palms no less. Don Gosney and Charles Ramsey also spoke, reminding everyone about the significance and success of this powerful program, in which students can make life-changing connections, Ivy League Connections, to be exact. After our speeches, the council members also related their thoughts and feelings about the program. It was great hearing from the people who are in part responsible for the possibility of the ILC. But most importantly, as Mr. Ramsey and Don said, it is the great accomplishment of the students themselves, and the parents' involvement and support.

After our one to two minutes speeches, we gathered around for photos, around fifteen, according to Don, and proceeded to chat amongst ourselves and keeping track of how everyone was doing. The night went smoothly and left me feeling more prepared than ever to go. It felt like the grips of the upcoming summer were finally becoming tangible.

We are more excited than ever for our three weeks in Cornell this summer, and hope to gain, as I said in my speech, indispensable knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Chris,

    A wonderful and well written post. With every word I felt your joy and happiness in being in this program. You described in graphic detail how much is involved in making this program work and how grateful you are for beign a part of it.

    You are right. You are almost there. In seven weeks, you will be in Ithaca staying on the Cornell campus. I am sure that you are now more than ever excited about starting in the Hotel Administration Program.

    Take care.

    Charles T. Ramsey, Esq.
    School Board Member
    West Contra Costa
    Unified School District
